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The airline will be the first to use sustainable aviation fuel at the airport.
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The Beech Baron is being used as a test bed to compare the performance of GAMI G100UL unleaded avgas with 100LL.
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A much larger engine helps to make the 305 Rocket a much faster airplane.
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This private Missouri airstrip surrounded by a sod farm features a 7,300-square-foot rental home and rental car access.
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Everything old is new again with this piston single.
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Take the ‘Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020′ live weather feature to the next level with manual setup.
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Both the Meyers 200 and Navion are beloved in their respective circles, so it’s really a matter of taste.
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The effort aboard a Northrop Grumman Cygnus capsule is expected to launch Saturday at 11:28 a.m. EDT.
Jack DaleoJets

For over 42 years, the Corporate Angel Network has been working to ferry cancer patients to treatments they otherwise wouldn’t be able to access.
Larry AnglisanoLearn To Fly

Although pilot employment has been a hot topic in recent years, there is another field with growing prospects.
Andrew ChenFlying Photos
There will be first, second, and third prize winners, as well as two honorable mentions selected from among the entries. Winners will be published in a special multi-spread feature in the June 2024 issue of Plane & Pilot magazine.
Amy Wilder

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